Nurorda School-Lyceum hosts CIS team for final evaluation

Nurorda School-Lyceum is set to host the Council of International Schools (CIS) Team Evaluation visit from May 11 to 17, 2024, marking the final stage of its accreditation journey. This process began in 2020 when the school first achieved Membership status within CIS, affirming its adherence to the organisation’s membership standards. In November 2021, the school advanced to the second stage—Preparatory Evaluation. After successfully meeting the preparatory evaluation criteria, it was granted candidate status for accreditation.

During the week-long visit, the evaluation team will assess the school across several dimensions: its guiding principles, cultural context, and values; its goals and outcomes for students.

The primary objectives of the Team Evaluation are twofold:

  • To provide an external assessment of the school’s Self-Study in the context of its guiding statements.
  • To evaluate the school against the CIS standards and make a recommendation regarding accreditation.

At the conclusion of the visit, the evaluation team will formulate a consensus on their accreditation recommendation to CIS. The CIS governance structures will then carefully review this recommendation.

Within one to two months following the visit, CIS will communicate its decision to the school. The school will receive detailed feedback on the evaluation team’s response to the Self-Study Report and any further instructions necessary for subsequent steps.