Student profile


BIF students respect the dignity and rights of individuals, communities and society. They show care to the younger and deference to the older. They contribute to the development of society and practise a responsible attitude towards the environment.

Striving for excellence

BIF students are always eager to gain new knowledge and skills. They act with diligence and resilience to achieve their goal. They realise the significance of lifelong learning for their good and that of society and, therefore, seek to achieve high goals.


BIF students respect and welcome the diversity of opinions; can express their views equally well in both oral and written forms in more than one language. They can work independently as well as cooperate effectively in a team.


BIF students act with integrity and honesty. They are always guided by the principles of justice, equality and equity. They uphold academic integrity during their studies.


BIF students love their country, respect and conform to the Constitution and legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan. They practise responsible citizenship.


BIF students take responsibility for their actions and their consequences. They realise that they are full members of society with all the duties and responsibilities before it.

Holistic development of students

Our students are welcome to take part in an abundance of BIF sponsored events including academic, sports, music and other areas of life. These events are aimed at developing skills and attributes described in BIF student profile.

Student leadership

The purpose of exercising student leadership practices at institutions is not to let an exclusive group of students govern the other, but rather to enable students to learn how to build democratic relationships within their communities and how to manage oneself and own life within a community.