Pastoral care

Pastoral care lies at the heart of teaching and learning at our educational institutions. In order to ensure the physical and emotional welfare of students, the pastoral care programme is built on values-based education, comprehensive career guidance services and close collaboration among students, parents and faculty.

Values-based education

Our pastoral care programme is built on values-based education. This means that the whole school community – senior leadership, faculty and staff, students and parents – embrace a set of universal positive human values such as respect, integrity, honesty, etc. and strive to be driven by them.

This approach enables the school leadership to configure the teaching and learning with a view to modelling these values and, thus, to create a conducive learning environment.

Career guidance

First stage

First stage – an introductory stage that takes place in Grade 7-8. At this stage students are expected to understand their interests and capabilities as well as to learn basically about various professions.

Second stage

Second stage – an active stage planned for Grade 9-10. At this stage learners make certain decisions regarding their career paths and develop skills needed for university admissions and this career in general

Third stage

Third stage – the final stage taking place in Grade 11. This is the stage when students apply for admission at universities and colleges.

Student leadership & research programmes

Students take part in various junior scholarship programmes and internships at overseas universities sponsored by the Fund.


One of the key features of our school communities is a strong sense of belonging. The school community members develop a close relationship with one another. The reason for this is that the school environment is conducive to genuine empathy and positive attitude towards the school community members. These bonds remain strong even after they leave the school.